OVOU Back-Office UX Concept

Creating a communication platform for 3 teams in different regions to communicate in order to help expedite the manufacturing process of digital business cards.

Roles & responsibilities
Sabine Kwan - UX Researcher, UX Designer

Reza Varzidehkar - Product Owner

Aryan Zaferani - Product Owner

Tools used
Figma, Miro
Scopes & Constraints
Completed within 24 hours.

Completed with Team across different timezones; coordinated to finish project together.


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Identifying User Needs
        Interviewing key stakeholders       
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Designing UX Concept
Using Figma, and preexisting UI components to design backoffice concept.
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Outlining "As a User" scenario statements to check whether design aligns with work-process flow.


There were 3 different teams working in different regions of the world.

1) Customer Service - Based remotely in Pakistan & Phillippines.
2) Logo Fulfillment Team - Iran
3) Order Fulfillment & Printing Team - Canada

The global nature of the processes resulted in difficulties in communication, manufacturing, and distribution. Orders were time sensitive and had strict 24h deadlines. My goal was to identify common issues and design a product that would satisfy the team’s needs to ensure they met print production targets.

Problem Statement

How might we improve inter-team communication in order to make the creation and distribution flow process simpler, faster, and more efficient

Step 1: Identifying User Needs

The first thing I did was identify user needs across all 3 teams.
I asked about the tasks they did on a regular basis,
their process, areas for improvement, whom they communicated with,
as well as the tools they used to accomplish those tasks.

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Step 2: Created UX Design

The UX Design went through 2 iterations. The 1st was more complex and catered to the Logo Fulfillment Team. The finalized version is below.

After gathering feedback, I created a simplified version of the Back-Office Communication Concept. In order to maximimize efficiency, an emphasis was placed on the flow between the Logo Fulfillment team and their dependencies.

Design Taskboard

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• Type of Order & Status could be viewed.

• Being able to filter by status and person assigned so that tasks can be prioritized/delegated according to order fulfillment team.

• The Expedited Order Status was added as a label, that the teams knows which tasks need to be prioritized.

• Person assigned could be changed accordingly.

File Management

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• Tasks in Order Fulfillment Team could be delegated & changed to any individual accordingly, and file logo could easily be updated.

• Tasks no longer need to go through Customer Service. If there’s an issue with the Logo, an automated email will be sent to the customer.

• A File History tab is also included that way all members of the team are aware of what changes are happening at once.

Step 3: Scenarios - Outlining 'as a user' scenario statements

After passing the UX Design Concept to the Executive Team, they requested I do some As a {{user}} scenario statements to show the tasks that the entire team had to go through, and asked me to list the frequency of tasks that were executed.

Although the original file could not be retrieved, an example is listed below for reference.

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Outcomes & Results

The UX Concept I created was passed onto the executive team as an item to be placed in the backlog.

Future Steps

If this project were to be continued, there are a couple of steps that need to be executed:

• User-testing the concept internally to see if there are any issues.

• Testing the cognitive-load of the UX, mainly if there are any edge-case studies or special circumstances, what could be used to alter the UX so the system is still functional.